Tuesday, October 2, 2007

100 days ago

Today it's been 100 days ago that my wife's Grandma died.

In an earlier post I already talked about the ceremonies involved.
This morning we just come back from the temple in Chaweng where the ashes of Grandma were placed in a family shrine/tomb.

As usual, monks are involved to participated in the ceremony. Here they can be seen walking back to the temple, directly after the ceremony. The tomb is in the background.

All family members present have a moment of silence and prayer in front of the tomb, were they also place burning incense.

After all this, it was time to eat again. Massive amounts of food were cooked overnight, to be distributed amongst the monks (they get the best pieces!) and the family members, either to eat at the temple or to take home.

We did a bit of both, had some food at the temple and took some food home, in one of the container in the picture above. These containers can be seen all over Thailand and are actually very handy. Food can be placed in 4 different containers (4 different dishes!) and people carry them around all over the place, varying from 2 to 4 containers in height.

Here's the content of the containers, from left to right, a curry for Kanom Chin (Thai noodles), pork, Naam Som Plaa ( a spicy fish curry) and sweet Pork with Eggs.

The curries are both very spicy, something the South of Thailand is well know for, it's spicy curries. However, this calls for a different posting, the various foods in the various regions of Thailand.


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