Food on Wheels; Truck for construction workers
Here's a slight variation on the Food on Wheels series; today I highlight a form of food delivery by means of a truck instead of the all too familiar motorbike and it's not a finished product that you can buy neither.
Besides food and cooking ingredients they also sell many other small items like baby powder, soap etc. It's kind of like the supermarket truck that used to make it's rounds back in the days in Europe when I was a kid.
A couple of times I've seen these trucks already stocking up early in the morning at the Samui Makro store before they go out and start selling their goodies.
Another , more hidden and less viewable sample food on wheels!
The food truck factory is there to showcase all kinds of food and relatable stuff. There aren't always the food trucks that are in adverse conditions but many of them you can easily find in good shape to start your business.
Supermarket Truck