Dog eat Dogekko eat gekko
It's a dog eat dog world and my fellow blogger posted this interesting blog about a Gekko or Jing-jok eating a baby Jing-jok. Something I did hear about but never saw, until I saw it captured in pictures on fellow blogger Malcolm's blog just a few days ago!
The series of pictures I made are done with some serious zoom, all the way to max, so the pictures may be a bit grainy but well worth the effort of catching this event on a memory disk.
How much I dislike these small creatures because of their droppings everywhere (haven't heard anybody yet not complaining about their droppings!) they are useful and keep all kinds of small critters out, like flies, mosquito's, spiders etc since they eat them all!
Little by little the smaller gekko was being eaten by the grown up gekko and some fascinating pictures emerged.
Strangely enough my son thinks it real funny, even looking at the pictures he laughs about it!
Anyway, once more proven that only the strong survive with thanks to Malcolm!
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