Thursday, February 28, 2008

Goodbye to February 2008

Another month passed by!

Once more it's time to wave goodbye to another month; February 2008.

February was a nice month with fairly good weather conditions up until the end of the month, when we experienced a lot of rain and cloud cover, this in stark contrast to the early part of the month when the sun shone a lot and it was very warm.

The rain seems to be the last leg the rainy season is standing on, the first week of March looks a lot better again but here's it proven once more, the rainy season isn't over till it' over. Mmm, wisdom of the day? Seriously though, we had a very wet rainy season this time around, starting with the almost catastrophic amounts of rain in October and to a lesser extend in November, with a closing bit right now.

For the locals the rain comes a s a relief, as it is, with the enormous amounts of people living on Samui, the ground levels for water can't cope with the demand anymore, so all the rain that we're experiencing right now,is filling up the wells for weeks or months to come. My father in law already had to order water since his wells were drying up.

Obviously, the tourists visiting Samui, have a different perspective, as the emails addressed to me show. Keep them mails coming or even better, post on comments on my blog!

On a personal note, I had a very busy month with a big IDC, nine candidates. Hard work but also a lot of fun. Furthermore I had an excellent trip to Pattaya for some wreck diving. All of this can be seen at my dive blog, including various pictures.

Looking forward to March and hope that if you visit Samui during March, you'll have a god time and lots of fun!


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